Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Maedhras vs Beren

One major similarity between Maedhros (Feanor's son) and Beren. Maedhros is ignorant and goes out on a parlay, which is actually and ambush. Morgoth captures him, attaches a chain to his wrist, and leaves him hanging over a cliff. A friend hears him singing, and risks his life to rescue him. He can only free him by cutting off his hand. Beren is on a quest to steal a Silmaril from Morgoth. He gets in and takes one, but he meets the largest wolf (who killed Huan). He shows the wolf the Silmaril out of pride, as if saying, "I won, you failed." The wolf bites off Beren's hand, swallowing the Silmaril. Even though their tales are quite different, they both end up with one hand.

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