Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Dark Lords and Wizards

The original Dark Lord was Melchor (aka. Morgoth). He was basically the ultimate bad guy, thousands upon thousands of creatures, and a lot of strength. His plan was to destroy all peoples, (or at least enslave them all) but his plans went sour when The Valar sent their army to destroy him. Then came his apprentice, Sauron. Sauron was much the same, with a couple exceptions. When he was destroyed, he came back do to Isildaur's mistake. He also was destroyed without the Valar interfering. Also, Sauruman, the White Wizard, helped Sauron. After a while, he bgan to want everything for himself. Gandalph led the Rohirram to a victory against and banished him. Sauruman went to The Shire and took over the Hobbits. But when Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin returned, the Hobbits got strength and defeated him.

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