Friday, May 8, 2009

Smeagol's Story

Firstly, I'm sorry I haven't been posting.
Secondly, I'm writing Smeagol's story.

Smeagol's story begins on his birthday while he is fishing with his friend Deagol. Deagol falls out of the boat, and happens to find a shiny ring. Smeagol sees the ring and wants it. After Deagol refuses to give it up, Smeagol kills him and takes the ring. The ring drives him mad, he finds out it turns him invisible and he starts stealing from shops in town. The townspeople kick him out of town, and he flees to the mountains. He lived in the mountain for hundreds of years. Gandalf, Bilbo, and Thoren's dwarfs eventually come to that mountain he is in. Bilbo falls down a tunnel, sees the ring on the ground and takes it, and meets Smeagol there too. They have a riddling game, and Bilbo wins. So Smeagol has to show him the way out. Bilbo asked 'What have I got in my pocket?' and Smeagol believed this to be unfair, so refused to lead him out. He suspected that Bilbo already knew how to get out. Bilbo had the ring on and couldn't be seen. Smeagol goes to the exit and Bilbo follows. Bilbo escapes, and that started Smeagol's journey to get back at the Baggins family. He tracked them down, and found The Fellowship in Moria, kept chasing them and was seen on the Anduin. He is eventually caught after the Fellowship splits. Frodo and Sam make him be there guide. Smeagol leads them to Mordor, but Frodo and Sam can't make it past the Black Gate. He tells them there's another way, and leads them to it. While leading them there, they meet Faramir, and spend time with him. Faramir threatens to kill Smeagol if danger comes to Frodo and Sam. Smeagol leads them to Shelob's tunnel. He intends to get them killed, but Frodo gets poisoned and Sam stabs Shelob. Frodo gets carried off to Cirith Ungol, and Sam follows. Frodo and Sam escape the tower and eventually make it to Mount Doom. Smeagol again comes and tries to kill them. They fight in the Crack of Doom, and he bites off Frodo's finger and steals the ring, but he dances with joy and falls in the volcano. Although he ment to do bad, without him, Middle Earth would have been governed by Sauron.

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